Продавець ООО "Силоксан" розвиває свій бізнес на Prom.ua 12 років.
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Зараз у компанії неробочий час. Замовлення та повідомлення будуть оброблені з 09:00 найближчого робочого дня (завтра, 10.02).

Силиконовые масла, пеногасители, эмульсии, каучуки, смолы, силаны и силоксаны, силиконы для форм
+380 (50) 312-71-73
+380 (68) 312-71-73


Silicones, also known as poly-siloxanes, refer to synthetic polymers consisting of hydrogen, carbon, and repeating siloxane monomers. They are durable synthetic materials widely used in plastic and cosmetic surgeries. On the other hand, siloxanes are volatile organosilicon compounds that comprise recurring silicon-oxygen (Si-O) bonds, occurring in either linear or cyclic form. They are physiologically inert and highly stable and exhibits lubricating properties, mainly utilized as an oil substitute in low-calorie food products. Additionally, siloxanes are also used to formulate silicones in a wide range of physical forms, including liquids, semi-viscous paste, solids and oils. As a result, they are extensively utilized in numerous end-use industries, such as chemicals, automobiles, and telecommunications.

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